LOGO Youth in AI Events | Hackathons | Articles | About Us |

Y o u t h _ i n _ A I

Don't wait for tomorrow's tech - make it.

We aim to improve AI literacy among underrepresented UK youth through free hackathons. Our events include educational seminars, project building, and extra resources.


Hackathons are really exciting events where you and some teammates work together to brainstorm ideas and for some, bring them to life. You can attend on your own as you are encouraged to meet new people and form new relationships over the course of the hackathon. However, feel free to come with a friend- it can seem intimidating at first so knowing someone makes the experience much easier.

You will essentially spend the day brainstorming different ideas and creating projects that solve real problems.

Our hackathons include a technical and non-technical track. Those who have previous coding experience may wish to take part in the technical track where they work to bring the idea to reality. Teams can also choose the non-technical track if they have no coding experience where they have to brainstorm an idea and create different items to present their work (e.g. an essay, a presentation, a one-pager).

Educational seminars

We start each hackathon by teaching you different concepts, either technical or based around a problem that AI systems face. The prompt for the hackathon will be based on the information from the seminar, so it’s a paramount part of the day that you won’t want to miss!

Extra resources

Ultimately, our goal is to increase AI literacy and unfortunately, we cannot thoroughly do that in just one day. That is why we will provide access to extra resources you can research in your free time. These might give you ideas for the next hackathon, or they can blossom into ideas of your own! Whatever it may be, we strongly recommend that you take a look at them.


"Super engaging and interactive- walked away learning a lot. Will definitely think about what I learnt when using AI in the future."

“I really enjoyed doing the AI workshop and getting to meet like minded peers. I came out with a much better understanding of ai and also its limitations in the real world.”

"It was really fun and I made a lot of new friends! I would definitely recommend even if you are completely new to AI because everyone is so excited to learn."

"Even though I wasn't not interested in technology this workshop really taught me how to be prepared for the future and now I feel more prepared for my own industry to change drastically."